Its flexibility and power allows virtually unlimited expansion and possibilities. Simian 2.3 PRO will automate and control virtually any radio station from a single computer or a number of different workstations. Simian 2.3 offers automatic folder creation, file type conversion and renaming, the ability to tag files, locks, text searches, and many other powerful features, such as the ability to run multiple macros in parallel, looping, automatic time-tagging, variable replacement, wildcard search, and easy to use rapid access to commonly used functions.

You can do exactly what you need to do, when you need to do it. You can also use the 33 available workflows! The Simian automation tools, like our other products, are built for ease of use, requiring only a one-time setup and are easy to use. Simian 2.3 has 83 available automation macros for ultimate versatility. Just click on the automation tool to start the automation process. You can do just what you need to do, and when you need to do it.

The Simian 2.3 system is powerful, flexible, and simple to use. Simian Radio Automation Software Crack Keygenl